A word from Pastor Will
I first started attending Harvest Church in 2018. There was something different about Harvest. Somehow, it felt more alive than all the other churches I had tried. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was, but “it” made me want to get involved, to commit to serving, and to really become part of the family of Christ and pursue the great commission. Sure, it had good preaching, sound doctrine, and a lot of ministries, but those aren’t what made it special.
Now, with years of attending and serving at Harvest to reflect on, I see more clearly what makes our church feel alive. It’s two things, and they both have to do with you, the people in the seats. First, you love one another well. You all truly demonstrate your love for Jesus in your love for one another. Harvest has become a real family to me and many others because of your love. Second, and perhaps equally as important, you “mean it”. “We exist to increase the health and size of God’s church everywhere” is Harvest’s vision statement. Many institutions have vision statements, but at Harvest, the individuals that make up the institution, the people in the seats, actually mean it! You actually believe that you personally exist to increase the health and size of God’s church everywhere. This passion for and belief in Harvest’s vision statement is contagious and makes Harvest feel more alive than any other church I’ve been to. The engine, the life blood, of our church is your love for one another and passion for growing the church in health and size. These are the “it” factors that continue to make Harvest a living church. These are the critical characteristics of life for a church family, more important than our private personal piety, our dogmas, or our good works. And they are the ones we must never lose if we want to stay alive.
The Goal
What's it going to take to make this mission happen? It's going to take all of us!
Our generosity goal for the next two years is $6.4 millions dollars. If that sounds like a lot - don't panic! Harvest's current budget trend is $2.1 million per year, so an additional $1.1 million each year will get us to the goal. With this increase, we will be able to live out our
mission-minded focus HERE, NEAR, and EVERYWHERE.
mission-minded focus HERE, NEAR, and EVERYWHERE.
Trend vs Goal

Giving Levels

Since its founders first started meeting in a garage, the belief of Harvest Church has been that the Holy Spirit will reach the world for Christ through normal, faithful churches, even ones in rural western Pennsylvania. Harvest’s founders knew that the Lord could do mighty things through small but faithful beginnings, and so they set out to reach the farthest ends of the earth with the Gospel, from day one. That foundational exuberance established the culture of Harvest Church as an outreach focused, community engaging, and growth minded congregation from the beginning.
For the last 27 years, Harvest has been guided by a singular vision, to increase the health and size of God’s church everywhere. It is why we exist on earth, both as individuals and as an assembly. The Lord has blessed our collective labor through this singular focus in uncountable ways.
This generation’s call is to maintain that founding ambition of reaching the ends of the Earth for Christ from western Pennsylvania for another 27 years.
For the last 27 years, Harvest has been guided by a singular vision, to increase the health and size of God’s church everywhere. It is why we exist on earth, both as individuals and as an assembly. The Lord has blessed our collective labor through this singular focus in uncountable ways.
This generation’s call is to maintain that founding ambition of reaching the ends of the Earth for Christ from western Pennsylvania for another 27 years.

Where are We Now?
Since 2020 and the COVID lockdowns, Harvest has experienced dramatic changes. We saw our weekly attendance drop by over 50% from 2019 to 2020. By your faithfulness and obedience, however, we saw annual offerings only drop 7% over that same time frame. In 2020, we stepped forward together in faith, committing to an enormous building project during the heart of COVID uncertainty. We got to see God honor that faith with the completion of the Kittanning Campus’ renovation, the first service being held in the new auditorium in 2022. Since 2020, Harvest has invested in and completely overhauled our administrative, media, and technical capabilities to support growth in our multi-site model. We have gone from a small office staff and one full-time “tech guy” to a sophisticated administrative group and a staff of over half a dozen part- and full-time tech and media personnel. Finally and most importantly, we have continued, by God’s grace and power, to reach our communities for Christ.
Our attendance has steadily climbed from the loss of over half of our congregation to new all-time weekly attendance highs being set in December of 2024, praise God! Our men’s and women’s retreats are ministering to more people than ever before, including many guests and unbelievers. Hundreds of school age children are receiving the gospel weekly through our growing Daycare, Bible2School, and Children’s ministries. Broken people are being ministered to in their times of need. People are hearing the Gospel, the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16), and believing it. People are being baptized. The saints are loving one another, loving their neighbors as themselves, and discipling one another to obey His commands. The stories we could all share about how we’ve experienced the grace of God through our Harvest family since 2020 are almost countless. God is Good!

Now is the time to REIGNITE our passion for our purpose. We exist to increase the health and size of God's church everywhere.
Harvest is almost a completely different church since 2020. Half of our congregation is new people! We have new administrative and technical capabilities and newly renovated buildings in Kittanning and Natrona Heights. However, we are running the risk of getting too comfortable with where we are. We never want to lose that foundational exuberance for reaching new communities here, near, and everywhere with the Gospel by planting healthy churches.
Since 2020, we have not seen a new Harvest campus be planted in our neighboring communities, who desperately need a healthy church. Since 2020, no independent church planting has taken place out of Harvest. Since 2020, our 10:16 Team in India has had to permanently come home to the U.S., and our supported missionary activity around the world has decreased. None of the 50% new people attending Harvest since COVID lockdowns have witnessed an example of these types of big, aggressive steps of faith to reach the world for Christ that are part of Harvest’s cultural DNA, e.g. planting campuses, planting churches, and aggressively striving to reach the nations. Yet…we have plenty of brothers and sisters in Christ to do life with…plenty of ministries and groups and services to keep us happy…and enough money to just keep doing what we’re doing now…Now is a most dangerous time, a time of potential complacency.

Harvest needs a generous increase of faithful stewardship. We need an increase to plant more campuses and churches, here, near, and everywhere, while continuing to grow our ministries at our 4 existing locations. Since 2020, Harvest has seen tremendous growth in our church family, rising from 448 in average weekly attendance in July of 2020, to 1,254 in weekly average attendance for the month of December 2024. Our finances have grown too, but not in unison with our attendance. We are currently able to support the ministry needs of our congregation as is, but have no additional ability to push outward for Christ as we have historically done.
Church Attendance vs. Tithes & Offerings by Calendar Year

Average Per Capita Annual Offering

We need you, your time, talents, passion, and worldly treasure, to win more friends in heavenly places!
This initiative aims to reignite our collective passion for Harvest’s vision statement. “We exist to increase the health and size of God’s church everywhere.” Following the command of our Lord in Acts 1:8, “...you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem (Here) and in all Judea and Samaria (Near), and even to the remotest part of the earth (Everywhere),” Harvest wants to plant additional Harvest campuses in our immediate surrounding communities who need a healthy church; we want to plant a new, independent church using our own leaders and members in a nearby county in need of a healthy church; we want to plant healthy churches amongst the unreached in India, South America, Africa, South-East Asia and anywhere else God would lead, starting with a Harvest India in West Bengal. And we want to do all of that while growing our current ministries at our existing locations. We want to be his faithful witnesses here, near, and everywhere, never getting complacent! Join us in this mission!