Harvest Life Groups launch this week at all 4 campuses -- check out how to get connected. Visit Get Involved -- Harvest Life to sign up.

Job Opportunities

We're Growing - Now Accepting Applications

Harvest Church is a healthy, growing, multi-site church, and we are always looking for people to become a part of our team.   We are accepting applications for employment in the following areas:

  • Daycare
  • Custodial
  • Café
  • Admin
  • Tech/Creative

*We also offer internships in a variety of fields - contact us for more information.

If you are interested in joining a dynamic team of people who love Jesus and love to serve His church, stop by the church office to fill out an application - Mon-Fri 9am-3pm, or click on  the desired link below.
- A Brighter Day Learning Center Application
- Harvest Church Application